Liquid desiccant dehydration tank 用液体干燥剂的脱水槽亚硫酸盐药液收集槽
Liquid desiccant dehydration tank catalyst for ethanol delydration to ethylene 用液体干燥剂的脱水槽乙醇脱水制乙烯催化剂
The first dehydration roller adopt a "T"-type vent tank, so a large number of water after squeezing discharge rapidly, thereby enhancing the dewatering effect. 型泄水槽,使压榨后的大量水迅速排出,从而提高了脱水效果。
Featuring continuous production, low power consumption, high dehydration rate, compactness and small floor space, the belt filter press without flow tank is favored by end users more and more. 带式压滤机具有能够连续生产、功耗低、体积小、脱水率高、占地面积小、可以省去二沉池等诸多优点,越来越受到使用单位的青睐。